Winter Qigong Series

$120.00 USD

This 12- part recorded class series is for you to watch at your convenience and go at your own pace.

We’ll focus on movements for nourishing and supporting the kidney and bladder meridian.

In Chinese medicine, the element of winter is water. And in the plant world, this is the time you’ll find energy dropping down into the roots; gathering, storing and holding energy.

In this series we’ll emphasize dropping down into our own roots of the central meridian to charge our deepest energetic core and continue clearing and strengthening the Wei Qi field (our aura), to boost our immune system during the temperature changes that winter brings.

Cleansing our energy in a balanced way affects our blood, breath, and bones.

In Qigong, we look to mirror nature around us. Since winter holds the energy of water, we aim to find flowing qi in our meridians, thoughts, and body.

Feeling cold and stagnant can create an environment of illness and unease, while internal warmth flow creates health, peace, and awareness.

In this course, we’ll use mental intention to hydrate our internal landscape, find a sense of fluidity and cultivate refined energy.

Use this practice to boost vitality and your immune system for the winter months ahead.

What you'll get:

  • The Outline & Objectives
  • The Fundamentals
  • The What, Why, & How
  • Advanced Tips

Qigong is a moving meditation practice. It can be personalized to your own abilities. With this practice, you can learn to trust your own energy and body by honoring what you experience.

No experience is needed. Good for children and elders and everyone in between.

This practice is safe if you are pregnant. (Do not practice if you feel sick, such as a cold or flu. Rest and recover before you attempt to move qi.)

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